Bring Your Own Animation – September 2020, feat. Hi from the Future – Online Edition!

Date(s) - 09/15/2020
7:30 pm - 10:30 pm


Come and join us for the September installment of BYOA, again online.

Here’s your chance to share what you’ve been working on with the rest of the NYC-area digital media community – and to check out what others have been doing. Come and meet other animators, exchange tips and ideas, maybe even find a future collaborator. This month we will be joined by special studio guests Hi from the Future (, who will give us a look behind the scenes of some of their recent work, and be on-hand to offer feedback on other presenters’ work.

Please register on eventbrite, the link to join will be distributed to those who register:

If you would like to present work, please fill out this form:

Submissions will be first-come first-served, and we will need to limit the number of pieces presented to fit within the allotted time (and for this reason we have to limit pieces to five minutes or less). We can’t guarantee that we will be able to play all submissions.

Please register on eventbrite, the link to join will be distributed to those who register:

NYC ACM SIGGRAPH Event Organizers:

  • NYC ACM SIGGRAPH Members (including student members) – Free
  • Non-Members –Free
  • Non-Member Students (with proof of current, full-time status) – Free

(You do need to register to attend:

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